Horticulture New Zealand
Foundation Members » Horticulture New Zealand
Horticulture New Zealand (HortNZ) is an industry association representing New Zealand's 5,500 commercial fruit and vegetable growers.
New Zealand horticulture is a $5 billion industry, and New Zealand's fourth largest export industry. We export 60% of production with a total value of $2.6 billion to more than 120 countries.
The industry has a reputation for innovation, quality, early adoption of new technology and smart response to market demand. The industry has a production area of more than 120,000 hectares. Major exports include kiwifruit, apples, avocados, onions, buttercup squash, processed vegetables and potatoes. Citrus, summerfruit, and berryfruit are developing export products.
HortNZ monitors changes in Government policy on behalf of our members, promotes the development of the horticulture industry, makes submissions to central and regional government, gives policy advice and aims to influence change for the benefit of growers.
HortNZ publishes industry magazines "The Orchardist" and "NZGrower" and runs New Zealand GAP, a product certification programme benchmarked to GLOBALGAP. About 80% of the produce grown in New Zealand is covered by a third party assurance certification programme.
HortNZ is funded by growers via a levy on sales, is governed by a board of nine, all of whom are growers and operates with a staff of 20 based in New Zealand's capital, Wellington. For more information on Horticulture New Zealand, go to .