Multicore World 2018 Conference

Multicore World 2018 Conference

7 February 2018 9:00am - 9 February 2018 5:00pm | Shed 6, Queens Wharf, Wellington | Comments

Multicore World is a three day event with a speaker programme that includes world experts in their field - more than 40% of participants coming from outside New Zealand and Australia. 

Precision Agriculture is to be talked to as part of the programme, which invites attendees to enjoy and be part of thought-provoking sessions about the latest high-technology evolution and its applications. V

Participants are from first tier companies, vendors and organisations - academia, science, government, engineering and development communities. 

This is a destination conference - i.e. it is a strong decision to come to New Zealand. It is not unusual that some are crossing the Equator for the first time in their lives, to keynote at Multicore World. Authors do their book pre-launch presentation, entrepreneurs discuss deals with executives from major corporations, new start ups are formed, all in an informal environment.